A New Kind Of Protection And Support For Your Agency Payroll

Protect your business, your workers and your reputation

HIVE360 PAYE Plus & HIVE360 Umbrella Plus

Represent a new era for the recruitment sector, offering far more choice in outsourcing your temporary workforce payroll.


A new concept that sits between standard PAYE payroll outsourcing and a full Umbrella Payroll solution.

Umbrella +

Tackles the typical umbrella challenges head on

These new solutions from HIVE360 Plus guarantee recruitment businesses all of the operational advantages of an outsourced payroll structure including removing all the associated employment liability from your business – but not at the cost of your compliance, or your reputation.

Our unique approach represents unrivalled protection for recruitment businesses, and a strong solution to the cost of living crisis for your temporary workers, which can have a significant impact on helping you to combat the current candidate attraction and retention challenge.

How It Works

We have developed 2 solutions – which both take over the full employment liability for your temporary workforce, including processing their PAYE pay and auto enrolment pension on a fully transparent basis, but with different approaches to charging structures and the worker experience.

Significantly, both solutions have no hidden charges or inflated costs to the worker, instead being based on a simple transparent charging structure.

Both are fully inclusive of the highly valued HIVE360 worker app Engage, that adds on average a salary equivalent of £1600 per annum in savings, as well as a wealth of 24/7 health support, and the opportunity for workplace training for all workers going through the solution.

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